Thursday, 16 July 2015


For he will be like a refiner’s fire and a launderer’s soap.  (Malachi 3:2)

Malachi, the final prophet before Jesus arrives as God in our world uses these two surprising and painful images of what Jesus is doing.

Burnt and Blistered
The first image is of a refiner’s fire to purifier: ferocious (it is fire) but controlled (to refine).  A fire of kindness as it clarifies and crystallises and perfects us.  Nothing soft about it – it’s a fire!  But it has a purpose.

The second image is not of some ‘soft & gentle’ washing liquid that is more cosmetic than cleaner.  Malachi has in mind the burning lime-based alkaline that blistered and burnt un-calloused hands.  Painful, but purposeful to remove the dirt. 

Both images presume people are impure and dirty and need refining & cleansing.  Both images assume we do not come to Jesus because we are clean and pure (and only if we are) but we come to Jesus to be made clean and pure (something only he can do)

What are the impurities Jesus refines from us?
Put another way: What are the stains and dirt he comes to clean? 

I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud labourers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,’ says the Lord Almighty.”  (Malachi 3:5)

Sorcerers is not about magic and magicians but refers to those who trust luck not wisdom.  Who try to shortcut the normal ways of life.  They are those who suggest that God cannot be trusted to provide by bypassing the normal route of establishing life through employing ‘special’ practices.  They try to be lucky not wise.  Some forms of gambling, some ways of misusing the benefits system or tax rules, some methods of making the most of injury claims and the like are ‘sorcerers’.

Adulterers suggest that God is not faithful and not be trusted and won’t be loyal.  It’s not just their partner they crush but its people’s ability to perceive who God is.

Perjurers or liars are those who gossip and bitch and degrade with words (or with silences – omission is as bad as commission).  Through that they suggest that God is not trustworthy.  His words, like ours are sometimes true and sometimes false.

Defraud and oppress and deprive the vulnerable – locally, nationally, internationally.  In turning a blind eye to the news we hear or to the true cost of the cheap clothes we buy.  They suggest that God does not care by reaping personal benefit from others’ misfortune.

What are the fire and soap Jesus uses to refine and cleanse?
What is life like in the refiners’ fire (ferocious but controlled) and the launders’ basket (vigorous but purposeful)?  What is the ‘fire’ and ‘soap’ God uses?

Fire is an external influence: no one chooses it.  They are the external afflictions that God brings or uses to refine us.  (cf: James 1:2-4)  If you want to be pure do not jump out of the fire when it comes; do not abandon God but allow him to refine and purify you.

Washing is a self-made choice: if you want to be clean you choose to have a bath.  It is self-imposed self-denial that God uses to cleanse us.  (cf: Matthew 5:29-30)  If you want to be clean get into the bath!  How?  Fasting, generous giving, killing sin, costly obedience and a thousand other ways we can choose for Jesus to cleanse us.

[i] Philippians 2:15

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