In total on Sunday 15
questions were asked about marriage, singleness, husbands and wives. Thank you to everyone who took the risk and
texted in a question. Every one was
brilliant and over the next three weeks I’ll try and offer a very brief
answer to them in the weekly email. Here’s
the first five!
1. As a man, how do I start to implement
Proverbs 27:17 says ‘As iron sharpens
iron, so one man sharpens another.’
Jesus had two extremely close friends.
Paul wrote about his ‘dearest friends’.
We are meant to do life together – it’s the lone wolf who starves, the isolated
soldier the sniper strikes. So find
another person to share your life with.
We have smaller, mid-week groups for this, or get along to the men’s
night at Jonny’s (14 Henry Street, Stafford) on Wednesday at 7.30 to pray and
connect with other guys (if you’re a guy!)
2. I am dating a Christian
girl. How far is too far physically?
I get asked this lots by young people
and University students. It’s a wrong
question! It’s like asking ‘how close to
sin can I get?’ A better question - at this
moment, with this person how do I 'love God' & 'love my neighbour’ best
(Mark 12:30-31)? And God (whose ways are
both right and better) says restraint.
Why? Two very practical reasons
spring to mind.
Restraint shows:
- You trustworthiness. If you can be self-control now she can trust
you to show that same self-control over the next 50 years. If you can restrain from sleeping with her before
you are married she can trust you more not to sleep with someone else once you
are married.
- Your seriousness. That Jesus is most important for you, and
amongst Christians that is deeply attractive.
3. I find singleness really difficult
- why is that?
The Bible, for example is places like
1 Corinthians 7, calls singleness and marriage BOTH a gift and grief. In marriage there is gift (like intimacy,
children, commitment) and grief (like compromise, conflict and loss of
independence). In singleness there is
gift (time, independence) and grief (lose of intimacy). The Bible says, whether single or married
gift and grief will be woven together for us.
So singleness is partly difficult because we live in a culture that
idolises relationships and loads them with freight they cannot and were not
designed to carry, but also we should not, as Bible Christians, expect it to be
different. Whether married or single we
will experience aspects of gift and aspects of grief.
The key is what we do with the gift
and the grief.
We are to serve with the gift – help and
benefit others.
We are to help each other with the
grief. So invite those who are single
into our home and families if we are married; journey together in friendship;
if single find ways to surrogate-parent others’ children (for their and your
sanity!). All these and more are ways we
‘mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice’ (Romans 12:15)
4. Last week we talked about fearless
women. As someone very anxious how do I become more fearlessness?
This ‘fearlessness’ is not something
we try and squeeze out or self-generate, beating ourselves up as failures if we
are fearful. Peter says this
fearlessness comes from a 'hope in God' (1 Peter 3:1-6). It comes from an ever-deepening and growing
knowledge of God and his sovereignty in all circumstances. You are fearlessness in the face of what is
frightening because you know God has it in control.
Do you fear failure? Remember, Jesus has already succeeded for you
so you will ultimately win.
Do you fear punishment? Jesus has already been punished for you so
you can be loved.
Do you fear abandonment? Jesus has already been forsaken so you
won't be.
Of course there are forms of anxiety which
rightly benefit from medical and professional assistance – please accept that
5. I get married next year -
what is the best advise you would give me about being the best husband I can
Ephesians 5:21-32 speaks to husbands
very clearly. Fundamentally, 'Husbands,
love your wives as Christ loved the church...'
So the best way to be a good husband is to be a good Christian –
saturated in knowing how Jesus loved the church and emulating that in how you
love your wife. How did Christ love the church? He was strong, sacrificing, unflinching, and
servant-hearted, even to the point of death.
Be like Jesus was. After all that
is the main point and purpose of marriage - to put Christ’s love for the church
on display for all to see – ‘This is a profound mystery but I am talking about
Christ and the church’ (Ephesians 5:32)
Next week includes what to do when we 'fall out' of love; responding to feminism; divorce; and living with a non-Christian partner.
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