Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Get to know a few people well

Get to know a few people well
There are more of us who are part of the church now than before!  That might be an obvious thing to say.  For example a year or so ago we used to need around 90 chairs on Sunday morning main meeting.  How we need around 140.  A year ago we had 74 formal members, next month that will go over 100.  Across all our weekly gatherings our monthly attendance has more than doubled in three years.  We are praying more will join the family with a new afternoon main meeting at Sandon Road and the launching of mission from within Marston Grange and Highfields over the next 12 months.  Mid-week Connect, though still small has doubled its weekly attendance and Chinese Church is growing. 

This is really encouraging. 

But it is not really the main thing.  The main thing is not how many but how deep.  It’s not about growing wider if that means we grow shallower.  No!  We want to grow ‘out’ of course but we also want to grow ‘up’ (toward God) and ‘in’ (toward one another’).  A place not just of more people but of more love and more holiness and more joy.

This is really important.

One way to do that is by getting to know a few people well.  We are all part of the family of course, but like any family some are more distant relatives and others we share life much more closely and intimately and regularly with.  We need both.  The wider family who we gather with in celebration and preaching week by week.  And the closer family who we share life with in prayer and accountability and love.

So we are launching four new opportunities to get to know a few people well.  You will find below an outline of eight ways we can meet together in smaller groups and share a little of life, learning, praying and supporting each other.  Please do get involved.
We flourish best when we meet together as a larger group (for preaching and worship and encouragement) and as smaller groups (for accountability and friendship and teaching).  Our main meetings, which tend to be larger, are vital for hearing from God as the Bible is taught and encouraging one another in singing, praying and being together.  But smaller groups are also important for many of us - they provide friendship, accountability, support and a stronger sense of community.

At the moment we have four main meetings for preaching and worship:
· Sunday @ 10.30am-12.00noon A lively service with lots of children and adults gathering together at the Beacon International Centre.  It is preceded by a prayer meeting from 9-10 which everyone is welcome to.
· Sunday @ 6.30-7.45pm  A relaxed and smaller evening service at Sandon Road Baptist Church.
· Wednesday @ 12.30-1.00pm  Mid-week Connect for those working on the Technology Park at the Beacon International Centre.
· Thursday @ 7.45-9.00pm  Chinese Church in Mandarin and English at the Beacon International Centre.
· Starting in 2016 an afternoon meeting at Sandon Road Baptist Church

We also have a number of smaller groups including three new ones starting this term.   These would be great to explore if you are newer to the church or new to being part of a smaller group; or perhaps need a few months of getting together with a smaller group of people; or would simply like to get to know a few people better.  Give them a try for a few weeks and see what you think.
Simon Acaster's group is a new group meeting three of every four Monday nights from 7.30pm and hosted at Simon and Ruth Concar's house (19 Sheringham Covert, ST163YL).  They will start by looking at what it means to be a committed Christian and the church's role in that, starting from January 25th.  Contact Simon Acaster(07989558323; simonacaster22@gmail.com) or Ruth Concar (07773194597; r.concar@ntlworld.com) for more information.

Agnes' group meets every fortnight on a Monday evening from 7.30pm, starting from January 11th.  It meets at Dave and Brenda's house (30 Bodmin Close, ST170EF). Over the Winter and Spring their focus will be on praying especially for our new initiatives on Marston Grange, Highfields and at Sandon Road.  Everyone is welcome – please drop Agnes a line to find out more (07759072978; lastmovedun2@hotmail.co.uk).

Mandy’s group is also new and meets from 7.30pm each week at Las and Andrina’s home (44 Manor Rise, Walton, Stone) and is particularly convenient for those who live in Stone or the villages around there.  Drop Mandy a line to find out more (mandy@garner-home.com; 07944187390)

Our musicians meet most Tuesday evenings at Beacon International Centre to play, pray and enjoy each other’s company.  Any musicians, sound technicians or the like, of any level irrespective of whether you want to play on a Sunday are very welcome.  Contact Jonny for more information (0780567032; john1979_edwards@hotmail.co.uk).

Starting Wednesday 20th January for seven weeks is Christianity Explored.  Your opportunity to ask friends along and discuss big questions of life, faith and Jesus.  7.30-9.30 at Beacon International Centre with cake!  Contact Alex for more information (07791676508; pastoralexharris@gmail.com).

Iain's group is a new group starting from Wednesday January 27th to study the Bible and pray together.  Meeting from 7.30pm at Beacon International Centre, contact Iain for more information (07704761983; iain.macgowan@gmail.com).

Mary's group meets every Thursday afternoon from 2-3.30pm at Sandon Road to carefully and practically study the Bible.  It is predominately a group of retired people.  Contact Mary (07938130534; campsie251@yahoo.co.uk) or Sue (01785 600184; thefaulkners308@gmail.com) for more information.

Kate's group meets Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30 and is for ladies only.  They study all sorts of things, pray together and share life .  Contact Kate for more information: (49 Marlborough Ave, ST163S; 01785602142; katebiggin@gmail.com).
PLUS Beacon Runners: we also have a running group starting.  Contact David or Dee Turner for more information (nurse_dee@hotmail.com)

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