you happy?
Happy. Wired for Joy. How to do everything and be happy. The secret of everyday bliss. 30 steps to the art of perfect living. How to create happiness from the inside
is the selection of the titles our local library had as their centre display
last week. They point to an underlining
question in our minds. Like the 2006
Luccino film ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’, starring Will Smith. We are all asking, to a lesser or greater
extent, why do we exist? What makes
sense of life? How do I make life
work? How can I be happy?
of course, very early in our journey of life, we learn to ask the questions
from the other side: why did it go wrong?
How can I fix it?
the image of God
So God created humanity in
his own image, in the
image of God he created them; male and female
he created them. (Genesis 1:27)
purpose of a mirror is to show clearly a reflection. The purpose of a painting is to reflect something
of the likeness of the subject. Humanity
is made by God to image God. We exist to
make much of God. That is our
purpose. It’s a seed sown here in the
first chapter of the Bible that fruits across its pages:
19:1 suggests everything ever made exists ultimately to show God’s glory. 'The heavens declare the glory of God.'
115:1 insists we emulate the writer in making much of God not ourselves. 'Not to us, O Lord, not to us. But to you be the glory.'
1 Corinthians
10:31 urges we view every mundane and ordinary moment of life as a glorious
opportunity to magnify God. 'So whether
you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.'
7:12 wraps all of time and space and history into the purpose of showing God as
he truly is both good and great, wise and wonderful. 'Praise and glory and
wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength be to our God for ever and
of the strongest demands that we live to ‘glorify’ God come from Jesus.
12:30 Jesus positively says at all time in all things we are is to be
devoted to loving God. 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'
14:26 Jesus negatively says if the intensity of our love for God does not make
our good love for family appear as hatred we are not pursuing God sufficiently.
anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children,
brothers and sisters – yes, even their own life – such a person cannot be my
and arrogant?
this demand of God’s to make much of him is ego-centric and arrogant? It sounds big-headed, unloving and conceited.
Winfrey, Pitt and Prowse
have stumbled on this seeming arrogance.
Lewis, before becoming a Christian said God sounded ‘like a vain old woman who
wants compliments’.
Winfrey left her childhood Christianity saying God’s jealously for his glory ‘sounded
Pitt, also rejecting his childhood faith, said God saying you have to say I’m
the best ‘seemed about ego’.
Prowse reports surely ‘only tyrants, puffed with pride, crave adulation.’
Joy is God’s Glory
it would be, except our joy and God’s glory are interwoven, like:
the bestman’s joy is most maximised as he fulfils his duty to make much of the
groom. When the groom is seen and admired
and heard and applauded so the bestman is joyful.
a parent knows the joy that comes as they can genuinely boast and make much of
their child’s achievement.
a business mentor is deeply satisfaction and joyful as she celebrates the teenager
she has coached finally appointed to their dream job.
are certain relationships where our joy escalates as we make little of
ourselves and much of another. It is
ultimately true for human-God relationships.
God’s demand to make much of him is the most loving thing he could
demand because the more we make of him and less of ourselves the more joy we
you happy?
do we exist? What is the point of life? How do I make life work? How can I be happy?
hard imaging God in all you are. Genesis
2 goes on to point to relationships and work and parenting and marriage and
care of creation and serving one another.
For we are most satisfied in life when God is most glorified in us.
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